DALLAS – This week, Luminant released a new advertising campaign: “Powering Texas. Today. Tomorrow. Together.” With the important summer months ahead and the increasing demand for power that comes with them, Luminant and its employees prove they are up for the challenge – extending a legacy that goes back more than 130 years – to continue providing much-needed electricity for the growing state.
The ads, which will be posted through the end of May and into June, will serve as visual reminders to residents of the communities surrounding Luminant’s plants and mines of the company’s longstanding legacy of meeting Texas’ power needs.
“We’re a team over 4,000 strong that’s dedicated to generating the electricity our state needs by operating safely and reliably, and rooting ourselves in our local communities,” said Mac McFarland, Luminant CEO.
Spanning from Luminant’s Monticello Power Plant and Mines in East Texas to Sandow Power Plant and Three Oaks Mine in Central Texas to Comanche Peak Nuclear Power Plant near Glen Rose, the ads will be seen in newspapers and on billboards in communities in the coming weeks.
“Powering Texas pride is evident in everything our employees do, from setting new safety milestones to supporting environmental stewardship, and is a key component in Luminant’s standing as an industry leader,” said Mike Williams, Luminant chief fossil officer. “We help power Texas, not only by generating the electricity our state needs, but by doing the right thing both on the job and in the places we call home.”
Luminant is proud to be an integral part of the communities where its employees live, work and serve. View an example of a newspaper ad here and an example of a billboard ad here.
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About Luminant
Luminant, a subsidiary of Energy Future Holdings Corp., is a competitive power generation business, including mining, wholesale marketing and trading, and development operations. Luminant has more than 15,400 megawatts of generation in Texas, including 2,300 MW fueled by nuclear power and 8,000 MW fueled by coal. The company is also one of the largest purchasers of wind-generated electricity in the United States. EFH is a Dallas-based energy holding company that has a portfolio of competitive and regulated energy subsidiaries, primarily in Texas. Visit www.luminant.com or www.energyfutureholdings.com for additional information.

Three Oaks Mines’ James Schwarz, Buddy Brogger and Charles Ehler will be featured in a newspaper ad.